Every industry has its own specific objects, materials, and operational processes. Each industrial coating comes with unique quality requirements. At the Korthals Group, we believe that a coating truly shines when it perfectly aligns with the intended usage conditions and goals.
We are happy to inform you about the many possibilities that Lakfabriek Korthals and HIM Products (both part of the Korthals Group) offer in the field of coatings for your industry.
The type of coating that is most suitable for your situation depends on what the coating needs to achieve within your industry. The Korthals Group identifies four primary purposes for coatings:
The Korthals Group is your go-to source for industrial coatings for walls, floors, and objects (on both concrete and metal surfaces):
Within the broad range of coating products from the Korthals Group, there is a suitable coating or system solution for every industrial application. Our product portfolio includes solutions for:
Kunnen wij u ondersteunen bij uw projecten? Heeft u vragen over onze snelle leveringsmogelijkheden? Of kunnen we u ergens anders bij van dienst zijn? We staan u graag te woord via +31 255 533 554 (voor de lakspecials) en +31 251 276 300 (voor de ESD-coatings en de wand- en vloeroplossingen). Of neem vrijblijvend contact met ons op via onderstaande knop:
Can we assist you with your projects? Do you have questions about our quick delivery options? Or can we help you in any other way? We are happy to speak with you at +31 255 533 554 (for lacquer specials) and +31 251 276 300 (for ESD coatings and wall and floor solutions). Or feel free to contact us via the button below:
Not entirely sure which coating is best for your situation? Our experts are here to help. With years of experience and extensive testing in our own laboratory, coatings hold no secrets for us! Contact us now for personalized, no-obligation advice.
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