Each company needs a floor that meets all requirements and rules that are made in its specific industry. For example, is there a lot of forklift-truck driving? Are there heavy machines and / or is there extra anti-slip needed? Differs the surface from old tiles to concrete? For each situation we determine which type of industrial floor is needed and which HIM floor fits best here.
Our epoxy floors are often applied in:
Do not hesitate to contact us for the possibilities.
Carries the heaviest loads of machines and / or vehicles without problems.
Every company floor becomes liquid-tight after curing. No drop can come through this floor!
You can drop anything on our floors. The HIM industrial floors can capture high point load without problems and without being damaged.
Not quite sure what the perfect resin floor or coating is for your situation? Our experts are ready to help you. After years of experience and extensive tests in our laboratory, resin floors have no secrets for us anymore! Contact us now for free tailored advice.
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