Resin floors have been the standard for (parking) garage floors for years. Our coating removes the annoying squeaks from tires in your garage, while protecting the surface against oil and other junk, which is not standard. Our special coating meets with CUR-recommendation 64. Therefore, the garage floor is completely liquid tight, super tough, easy to clean and does not leave rubber stripes from the tires. This makes these floors and coating also very suitable for showrooms!
No drop can come through this floor! This also makes the floor very easy to clean.
Hardly wears out, not even when using forklift trucks, heavy machines and friction of objects.
Squeaky tires when moving a car in the garage? Not with our coatings! Our coatings remove the annoying squeaks from tires.
Not quite sure what the perfect resin floor or coating is for your situation? Our experts are ready to help you. After years of experience and extensive tests in our laboratory, resin floors have no secrets for us anymore! Contact us now for free tailored advice.
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