Looking for a floor suitable for the maritime sector? More specifically for use in the fishing industry? HIM Products offers floors that function optimally both onshore and offshore. Safety and hygiene are important requirements for fishing boats and the fish processing industry. Thanks to their anti-slip effect, multi-layer floors are ideal for ship decks. These moisture-resistant epoxy floors are also suitable for production halls, storage and processing areas. With our custom-made floor finishes, you no longer have to miss the boat.
Fishermen are not subject to specific requirements with regard to the hygiene, liquid tightness and cleanability of the floors. Safety is a point of attention. Ship decks benefit from anti-slip coatings or composite deck boards with an anti-slip layer. Waves and splashing water constantly make the deck slippery. Multi-layer floors are particularly suitable for this. In short: ideal for use in wet areas, preventing falls and guaranteeing safety. Multi-layer floors are:
This combination of properties also makes multi-layer floors extremely suitable for the fish processing industry. Other epoxy floors are also an alternative within that branch. In the industrial sector, floors usually have a hard time. They must be able to take a beating. Specifically within fish processing, hygiene is an important priority. Epoxy floors combine the best of both worlds. They are:
An additional advantage: all HIM floors meet the HACCP requirements. Many fish processing companies use HACCP guidelines. HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is an important risk assessment for foods. With this certificate you provide a valuable quality guarantee. In this way your partners can be confident that the production process within your company runs safely and meets all guidelines.
Our floors meet the needs and wishes of the entire chain. Both on the water and on land. The price depends on the type of floor and the desired surface. HIM Products always makes a suitable proposal based on your budget requirements. Ask our advisers about the possibilities.
Multi-layer floors hardly wear, if at all. The floors are resistant to harsh conditions and can withstand this effortlessly.
In fish processing, a floor must guarantee a hygienic working environment. Both epoxy and multi-layer floors do not allow liquids to penetrate and are therefore easy to clean.
Epoxy multi-layer floors are standard equipped with anti-slip properties, guaranteeing safety and preventing many fall and slips.
Not quite sure what the perfect resin floor or coating is for your situation? Our experts are ready to help you. After years of experience and extensive tests in our laboratory, resin floors have no secrets for us anymore. Contact us now for free tailored advice!
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